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Align the QR code with the camera.


Scan successful!

proceed in second.


Scan successful!


Turn on camera to scan QR code.

Scan QR Code by 3 Ways

The QR code scanner online allows you to scan QR codes without any app. You scan QR from images and also webcam with the Web QR code scanner.
  • way-1

    Image Decoding

    Support dragging a picture or uploading the picture to scan the QR code.

  • way-2

    Camera Decoding

    Use an external camera of your computer or the laptop's built-in camera to scan the QR code and quickly decode it.

  • way-3

    URL Decoding

    Enter the image URL with the QR code to scan it immediately.

More QR Scanner Functions

Scan History
You can download and export the history of scans with text, Excel, and CSV formats. You can still save them to your account for good.
Customization with 1 Click
Send the scan history to regenerate your QR code with various custimization features.

QR Code Scanner Online Scenarios

Inventory and Asset Management

Use an external camera to scan and decode the asset QR code, export the decoded record and archive it.


Marketing and Advertising

Scan the code in advertisements, posters, or product packaging to access promotional content, discounts, or additional data information.


Education and Training

Scan the QR codes link to supplementary resources, videos, or instructional materials on the classroom computers.


Scan your QR code online Now

Scan QR-Code
  • scanner-online Free to use scanner online
  • without-virus 100% Safe without virus
  • compatible-icon Compatible With all QRs and computers

FAQs About QR Code Scanner

  • 1. Can you scan a QR code without an app?

    Yes, the QR code scanner online allows you scan all QR codes without an app. It works with the default camera in your computers.

  • 2. Are there any limits for scanning QR codes?

    No, there are no scan limites. You can use the online tool to scan QR code for free and for good.

  • 3. How to scan QR codes?

    When you see a QR code, be it photos, videos, or any other QR code types,you can choose from uploading the code picture, pasting the code URL, or turning on your computer's camera to scan it immediately.

  • 4. Is the QR code scanner safe?

    Yes, it is 100% safe as it contains no malware, phishing software, or any other viruses.