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Christmas is here again! Hence, you should start imagining creative methods of delivering Santa’s gifts to your kids, their friends, your parents, partners, co-workers, neighbors, and every other loved one. With a Christmas QR code, you can keep the gift mysterious until the last minute. That is why this article discusses how to creatively use QR codes for Christmas. Even better, the New Year celebration is only a week after that. You can plan the two celebrations with well-thought QR codes. Check the sections below for benefits and tips for using Christmas QR codes.

christmas qr cde

Part 1: Why Should You Use QR Codes for Christmas?

The most popular holidays and celebrations of the year are glazed with gifts, recreation, entertainment, and marketing campaigns. Families and individuals make special purchases during this period. Hence, many businesses focus on marketing campaigns to position themselves strategically for their peak sales of the year. If you want your family or business to stand out too, this section provides insight into the benefits of using QR codes for Christmas.

Bridge the Gap between Online and Offline Stores: Most shoppers still prefer to vet prices online and finalize the purchase in a brick-and-mortar. Hence, shoppers who can keep their online and offline stores engaged using Christmas QR codes stand at an advantage. That way, you can provide offline customers access to online content and vice versa.

Diversify Your Creativity: A design with Santa will appeal to a child. But the same design will not command so much attention from adults. Contrary to this, a barcode can be attractive to an adult. However, the design might not be appealing to a child. The combination of these two design tastes shows creativity and diversity. With QR codes, you can mix being savvy with trendy Christmas ideas.

Join Social Media Trends: Diversified creativity spreads fast on social media as trends and hashtags. Christmas QR codes are a means of joining a growing trend. By plugging into the trend, you can achieve tremendous success in your marketing effort. That way, you will grab the attention of customers. Given the growing trend of QR codes online, you can also capitalize on the opportunity.

Shorten Shopper Experience: Offline shoppers have to tour several floors before they get what they want. But the Christmas QR code can help you show them what you do after grabbing their attention. That way, you can use the QR code to direct them to the product they want on your website or app. After that, you can convince them to order a product or subscribe to a service using a persuasive CTA.

Monitor Shopper Activities: Christmas QR codes will help you keep watch on shoppers even before their first purchase and afterward. That way, you can know how often they have checked your catalog and what products or services they have viewed most. You could use QR codes to determine where the buyer found your product or the QR code as well.

Keep Shoppers Engaged: After purchase, you can keep shoppers engaged with Christmas QR codes. QR codes can help you get their email and other contact details. That way, you can target them and similar customers with specific marketing campaigns. Furthermore, you can develop effective future strategies.

Part 2: How Do I Add a QR code to My Christmas Card?

iMyFone QRShow is the best choice to customize all your creative Christmas QR codes. After which you can print it on your Christmas card. This software has several dynamic customization features like logo insertion, multiple colors, editing content after printing, etc. These features permit you to adjust your existing barcodes to match the theme of the Christmas season. With Merry Christmas QR codes generated using iMyFone QRShow, you can monitor all the code engagements. Check below for how to use our QR code generator.

QRShow logo iMyfone QRShow

Generate text, vCard, social media, event and more QR codes on your Christmas cards. You can track the code data.

QR Codes Created

Step 1: Go to the iMyFone QRShow website to set up your account or log in.

sign in QRShow

Step 2: Set the type of QR code format that matches your Christmas card; URL, PDF, text, social media, etc.

choose qr code type

Step 3: Enter the details of the QR code type you choose.

enter qr code details

Step 4: Customize and download the QR code you generated. Then you can print it on your Christmas card.

customize and download qr code

Part 3: How to Use QR codes During Christmas Celebrations

Different design adaptations are available for you can choose from when creating your Christmas celebration design. Now, you will be using a Christmas QR code approach for your design. Hence, the best design concepts have been identified below.

QR Code for Flyers: Your e-flyers, handheld, and poster flyers can have a QR code design with a Christmas theme. That way, you can share it on your social media platforms, with people walking past and on billboards. Each of these information channels has a wide-reach audience.

QR Code for Products: You can put unique Christmas QR code designs on your products. It could be on a mug, or jersey, among others. That way, even after buying your products customers can use the QR code to check for more offers available through your business.

QR code for Product Packaging: You will agree with me that product packs like business shopping bags and customized gift wraps are marketing kits. This time, you only need to include your business QR code in the Christmas-themed design of the package.

QR Code for Tickets: You can include a Christmas QR code on your concert ticket. You can use this QR code to fascinate your attendees and keep them updated about upcoming events.

QR Code for Sticker Markers: You can have stickers printed solely for QR code purposes. These stickers can be put on your offline store windows, notice boards, parks, subways, and other strategic locations.

QR Code for Nich Specific Use: Depending on the nature of the business conducted in your company, you can use a Christmas QR code. For instance, restaurants and other hospitality businesses can use well-designed Christmas QR codes to display their menu. Game houses can use QR codes to make games more accessible.

Part 4: Tips for Using Christmas QR codes in Marketing Campaigns

As you build an end-of-the-year marketing campaign, you need a clear focus on what you want to achieve with the effort. In this section, we have identified the top ideas you should focus on in your campaign.

QR Code for Greetings: You can felicitate with loyal customers who have been with you for less than a year, up to a year, and more. Hence, the Christmas QR code can be a card detailing how you value their commitment.

QR Code for Driving Sales: The most common approach by the sales department is to bring in new shoppers. These shoppers can be new to a product or service. In some other cases, they can be entirely new to your business. You can create a campaign that targets this unreached market.

QR Code for Increasing Online Engagement: The digital space engages over 5 billion people daily, and the number keeps increasing. You can have a global representation by increasing your followership. Hence, you can use the social media account you have the most following to increase other accounts. By placing a social media QR code on that account, your customers can access your other profiles from it.

QR Code for Giving Gifts: Christmas is the time to give back. That is why having a strategy to give back through coupons and raffle draws is another productive marketing campaign. You can ask customers to scan QR codes and get a discount. You can even put cash and product gifts behind some barcodes that lucky winners can take home for the celebration season.

QR Code for Employee Comp: Another marketing campaign strategy is to improve employee loyalty. Guess what? You can do that with a well-implemented Christmas QR code strategy for staff alone.

QR Code for Charity: Community service is a key part of the Christmas and New Year celebrations. You can execute a corporate social responsibility in your business with a Christmas QR code. For instance, you can create a QR code that addresses charity for any group that needs humanitarian support. That way, your business gives to those in need but not even a customer or employee.

Teach an Audience How to Use the QR Code: QR codes are still in their earliest stages of implementation. Hence, several customers do not know how to use it yet. You can run an image or video campaign to enlighten them.


QR code Christmas is an untapped gem in marketing. It is a cost-effective and highly productive approach for a business can gain attention, monitor customers, and keep them engaged. Now, you can even spice up all your Christmas designs with creative Christmas QR code designs. Then, you can include these codes in the Christmas cards you are sending out. To generate the Christmas QR code, use the much more reliable iMyFone QRShow.

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iMyfone QRShow
Generate different QR codes and use them for various situations.
Edward Sinclair
An experienced blogger and editor who has spent years writing about QR things.
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