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Calls to action are among the most essential marketing components, and they can be found everywhere. Marketers are pushing their consumers to participate and take action using a variety of channels, including social media and billboards. When you enter the intriguing world of digital marketing, the word "Call to Action" - also known as CTA - becomes an essential component of talks and tactics. With the increase in smartphone usage, QR code-based marketing has grown in popularity.

QR Code marketing is no exception; each QR Code should have a robust and prominent call to action that engages your target audience. With a compelling CTA, your readers might be piqued enough to scan. This post will discuss the importance and benefits of a call to action QR code and how to create a clear and successful one for your marketing campaign.

Part 1: What Is A Call to Action for QR Code and Its Features?

A call to action, often known as a CTA, is a short statement that encourages a user to take a desired action, such as "Sign Up," "Contact Us," or "Buy Now." This is where the word "action" comes into play. The primary purpose of any marketing tactic is to engage a user so that they do something that benefits your brand, such as following you on social media, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. Overall, the purpose of a CTA is to plainly state what you want the user to do, resulting in higher response and conversion rates.

Call-to-action usage in QR code-based marketing is critical for increasing customer engagement and conversion. Businesses may effectively direct users to take desired activities after scanning a QR code by including clear and appealing calls to action. The following are some features of using a call to action for QR codes:

Specific Instructions: Call-to-actions should include clear and detailed instructions in QR code marketing. Users must understand what steps they must follow after scanning the code. Whether it's "Prepare to be amazed by our incredible deals" or "Get ready to shop 'til you drop!" make sure they know what's in store.

Design & Placement: Design and placement are the next steps. It's like finding the ideal location for your favorite piece of art. Your call to action should be front and center, taking the spotlight. This can dramatically boost the likelihood of users completing the intended activity.

Persuasive Language: Persuasive language is your secret sauce. Add some words that convey a sense of urgency and energy. Using terms like "limited time offer," "exclusive deal," or "act now before it's gone!" can instill a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) in users and encourage them to take fast action.

Using well-crafted call-to-actions in QR code-based marketing campaigns is critical for increasing user engagement and attaining the intended results. Businesses can increase conversions and marketing effectiveness by offering clear instructions, strategically putting call-to-action QR codes, and using persuasive language.

Part 2: The Role of Call to Action in QR Code for Marketing

A call to action is an essential component of marketing and advertising that encourages the audience to do particular activities. Phrases such as "Click here to learn more," "Sign up now," and "Buy now" are frequently used to direct and push people toward their desired outcomes. QR Codes are fantastic tools, but people don't scan random QR Codes without context. A call to action (CTA) is a chance to engage with your audience while encouraging them to watch.

Businesses seek to actively engage their audience and direct them towards the desired goal by including a compelling call to action, resulting in higher conversion rates and desired outcomes. As a result, whether it's completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or obtaining extra information, a successful call to action is an effective tool for attaining these goals.

role of call-to-action QR code for marketing

There are the roles of call to action in QR codes for marketing:

Guide Users: When users see a simple QR Code on a physical marketing resource or digital ad, the data it carries is not visible to the human eye. If they scan it, they may be unable to determine its destination. They may also be unfamiliar with QR codes if they have never used them.

Stimulate Engagement: A polished CTA provides guidance and persuades users to scan. As previously said, a successful CTA delivers a value proposition and matches your aim. If you write a compelling CTA, more people will review it, resulting in more conversions or customer engagement with your business.

Enhance User Experience: Users are hesitant to browse unfamiliar websites. Public guidelines caution users not to scan unlabeled QR codes, as bad actors may use them to lure consumers into visiting malware-infected websites.

Target & Track Audience: CTAs can target many audiences for the same goal. For example, an ad on the metro and an advertisement in a magazine may have vastly different target audiences, yet you may be selling the same product. A CTA allows you to personalize your ad for your intended audience.

Part 3: Call to Action for QR Code Campaigns

In today's environment, many firms are upping their marketing game with inventive and profitable 'call to action QR code' campaigns. Using the benefits of QR codes in combination with well-crafted CTAs, these firms have transformed their marketing campaigns into results-driven operations.

1. L'Oreal Paris' Virtual Makeup Try-On

L'Oreal Paris' Virtual Makeup Try-On One of the world's biggest beauty brands, L'Oreal Paris, used QR code CTA to achieve marketing success with their virtual makeup try-on campaign. They created interactive QR codes that, when scanned, let shoppers virtually test various beauty products.

This incredibly engaging and immersive experience, accompanied by a compelling CTA such as "Try it on now," increased customer engagement and interaction, radically changing how people shop for cosmetics. As a result, L'Oréal Paris saw a considerable increase in conversion rates. It's a great example of a brand implementing a creative and customer-focused 'call to action QR code' strategy.

2. Victoria's Secret's 'Sexier than Skin' Campaign

Victoria's Secret used a unique 'QR code CTA' for their "Sexier than Skin" campaign. They deviated from the usual QR code structure and created QR codes that visually spoke volumes about their business. Their unique underwear served as a silhouette for the code, and the business's provocative call-to-action, "Reveal the Secret," successfully lured their target audience to scan the code and purchase.

3. Emart's Sunny Sale Marketing Strategy

Emart, South Korea's largest retailer, created a radical and highly successful call-to-action QR code marketing campaign to increase sales during the sluggish hours of 12 to 1 p.m., utilizing sunlight to expose their QR code. As the sun rose over Seoul, strategically placed sculptures shadowed the QR Code.

When scanned, this shadow QR code' directed visitors to Emart's mobile shopping app, which provided significant discounts and same-day delivery on purchased items. This unique "Sunny Sale" promotion, accompanied by the tempting CTA "Get your sunshine discount now!" significantly increased midday sales.

Part 4: Best Call-to-Action QR Code Examples

Numerous inventive and effective methods exist to use QR codes for your business or group. Your customers or target audience can connect with your message by scanning it on their mobile device. Here are some instances of how marketers use call-to-action QR codes to drive response:

Best Call-to-Action QR Code Examples

1. Direct Mail

Innovative direct mail marketing should integrate offline and online client interactions. To that aim, QR Code campaigns can bring significant value. QR codes may quickly move your customers from direct mail to your mobile site, accelerating decision-making. You can also direct them to an instant messaging app; selling on WhatsApp or Facebook will allow your clients to interact with your goods without friction.

One way to reduce the text on a direct mail piece is to use QR codes. Consequently, you have more area for design components. You may also develop a personalized QR code for printing to capture customer attention and promote your product.

2. Print Advertising

In an era dominated by digital technology, paper advertising may appear to be a thing of the past. However, incorporating Quick Response (QR) codes into print media has revitalized classic advertising techniques. When scanned with a smartphone, these pixelated squares provide interactive and dynamic content access.

QR codes link the digital and physical worlds, allowing consumers to move quickly from print to online material. Consumers can rapidly access websites, movies, product information, and exclusive promotions by scanning a QR code in a printed advertisement. This integration creates a more unified and engaging experience, increasing the overall effect of the advertising campaign.

3. Restaurant Menus

The hospitality industry has turned to restaurant technology, such as contactless ordering choices, to get back on track. More restaurants than ever before are providing dine-in customers with a restaurant QR code menu to assist with table ordering, giving them more pricing and product availability options.

In a restaurant, clients value "quick response" service, which QR codes give. The square code is comparable to a standard UPC or SKU number barcode. When clients scan it with their smartphone, they are directed to a website landing page where the code is translated into understandable PDF or digital menus. Some restaurants' QR codes let guests view the menu, choose their desired items, order, and pay using their cell phones. This is an entirely contactless ordering experience.

4. Product Packaging

QR codes on product packaging increase customer engagement, brand exposure, and product knowledge. The more transparent you are with your customers, the more likely they will trust you and continue buying from you over another brand. Furthermore, a dynamic QR code can be easily changed whenever an update or edit is required without printing new packaging.

According to the survey, 57% of US and 62% of worldwide consumers trust businesses based on product orientation, and 33% of US consumers need help to afford to lose money on a wrong purchase. (Data Source: Marketing Charts) Educating your customer on product knowledge is a value-added convenience that may be readily accomplished with QR codes when there is insufficient space on printed materials on the item.

5. Business Card

Business cards are so outdated, right? Maybe. Maintain a physical and digital presence by marketing your brand or yourself with a QR code on one. Your business card has a call-to-action QR code that prospective employers and clients may use to save your contact information on their phones without typing it in. Scan and save is all that is required of them.

People are more likely to do business with people they know than strangers, and what better way for potential clients or employers to get to know you than via your work? Using a QR Code, you may have your business card linked directly to your blog, user cases, or current business initiatives, an excellent tool for freelancers.

Part 5: How to Make A Call-to-Action QR Code?

Now you see why you should build a QR code online with a call to action for your advertising campaigns. Such a short sentence favors campaign success: users will gladly scan codes and obtain the relevant information, resulting in improved scanning statistics. The steps for creating a QR code call to action with iMyFone QRShow are as follows:

iMyfone QRShow, an innovative online QR code generator, makes creating QR codes for Excel files easy. It provides enterprise-grade capabilities and a wide range of complex QR code solutions. This QR code converter lets you create fully customizable QR codes. You can also change the appearance of your QR codes.

Step 1: Open iMyFone QRShow Website

Open your web browser and go to the iMyfone QRShow - the QR code generator website. Register your account. To create an iMyfone QRShow account, select Sign-Up and input your valid email address.

Sign Up iMyFone QRShow

Step 2: Choose A Type of Content to Convert

You can generate dynamic or static QR codes when you're on the iMyfone QRShow text to the QR code web dashboard. Numerous sorts of material can be used to convert a QR code, including a website, VCard, files, social media, mobile App, call, SMS, audio, plain text, event, Wi-Fi, and email.

Choose A Type of Content to Convert

Step 3: Content Setting

You will see a text input area. Type the text to convert to a QR code in that input space. You can customize your code content based on your needs, the objective of your marketing campaign, and your calls to action. Furthermore, you can create a static or dynamic QR code based on your marketing objectives.

Content Setting

Step 4: Customize Your QR Code

Customize the QR code's look, including patterns, styles, and colors. You may also include a frame and a call-to-action in your QR codes. You can also choose how your QR code displays. This could consist of setting the error correction level, adding a logo or image, altering the size, and selecting colors. Make the QR code unique based on your preferences.

Customize Your QR Code

Step 5: Publish

After you've entered your content and made any required changes:

Click the "Publish" button. Once the QR code has been generated, you should be given the choice to store or download it as a PNG or JPG.

Select an appropriate option and save the QR.

Share the QR code via websites, print materials, or other mediums users can use.

Publish Your QR Code

Part 6: Tips for Creating A Winning Call to Action QR Code

A structured, compelling 'QR code CTA' can significantly increase conversions by encouraging user activity and engagement. The CTA in your QR code influences your audience's decision to connect further with your brand or reject the option entirely. You may learn how to create a successful call-to-action QR code.

Use of Action Verbs: To create a successful 'call to action QR code,' use strong action verbs in your CTAs. An action verb invites the user to take a specific action, such as 'Download,' 'Buy,' 'Register,' etc. The appropriate phrases can persuade users to execute distinctive activities, increasing conversion rates.

Make CTAs Easy to Find: Making your QR code CTA easy to find can significantly increase its efficacy. Users should not have to look for your call to action; it should immediately capture their attention.

Display One CTA at A Time: Another QR code CTA method displays only one call to action at a time. Yes, QR codes are adaptable, allowing you to direct your audience to various tasks. However, too many CTAs may need to be clarified for your readers, causing them to exit the scan without taking any action.


As we've explored the captivating world of call-to-action QR code marketing, we've witnessed the irrefutable power of cleverly designed, strategically positioned, and personalized QR codes in driving engagement, increasing conversions, and aligning marketing efforts with technical breakthroughs. After reading this detailed guide, you must pay attention to QR code CTAs in your marketing plan. Furthermore, remember to use iMyFone QRShow to generate your call-to-action QR code right now!

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Create call-to-action QR codes of different types.
Edward Sinclair
An experienced blogger and editor who has spent years writing about QR things.
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