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QR codes (Quick Response Codes) are becoming increasingly popular in this digital age. They can store a lot of information, are powerful, and extremely accessible. In addition to generating QR codes, can you track how many times a QR code is scanned? Yes, you can. Tracking QR code scans allows you to collect data about user interactions. Then you can optimize your strategy to ultimately achieve better results. This article aims to provide an in-depth guide on mastering QR code tracking, so without further ado, let's get started!

qr code tracking

Part 1. Can QR Codes be Tracked?

Yes, QR codes can be tracked. However, not all QR codes can be tracked. There are two main types of QR codes: static and dynamic. Only dynamic QR codes can be tracked. Standard or static QR codes point to a fixed address and cannot be changed or tracked.

static vs dynamic qr code

- Static QR codes: contain fixed information and cannot be changed once generated. Static QR codes are useful for people who want fixed information, but they do not provide tracking capabilities and cannot collect data about the number of scans or who scanned them.

- Dynamic QR codes: Unlike static QR codes, dynamic QR codes are changeable. You can change the content stored in the QR code even after it is distributed or printed. In addition, you can track real-time scan data by using a QR code generator that provides tracking capabilities.

Therefore, a QR code with tracker has an extra layer of functionality. It not only directs users to a digital destination; when a user scans the QR code, it can also record information such as the number of times it was scanned, when it was scanned, and where it was scanned. This process is completed very quickly, taking only a fraction of a second, and is completely transparent to the user. Read on to learn how to generate dynamic QR codes and track scans.

Part 2. How to Create a Trackable QR Code

As mentioned above, only dynamic QR codes can be tracked. Therefore, to create a trackable QR code, you need to use a professional QR code generator to generate a dynamic QR code.

Fortunately, iMyFone QRShow is such a trackable QR code generator. It can generate dynamic QR codes for a variety of content and track scans. Whether you want to convert files such as Excel, PPT, Word or text, pictures, URLs, etc. into QR codes, QRShow can do it. And the operation is very simple, saving time and effort. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a trackable QR code.

QRShow - Professional QR Code Generator with Tracking
  • Convert URL, Vcard, YouTube, text, music, etc. into QR code
  • Batch add files and generate dynamic QR codes
  • Track and analyze the number, time, location, etc. of QR code scans
  • Customize the frame, logo, color, template of any QR code

Step 1: Choose a QR Code Generator

Choose a QR code generator that supports dynamic QR codes and offers tracking capabilities. Here we show you the process with iMyFone QRShow. Navigate to its website and sign up for your free account.

sign in to qrshow

Step 2: Choose Dynamic QR Code and Upload Your File

After launch QRShow's dashboard, click 'My QR Code' > 'Create QR Code' > 'Dynamic QR code'. Then select the content you want the QR code link to. For example, if you want to convert form into QR code, choose 'Form'. Then upload your file to QRShow. (If you want to generate several QR codes at once, you can select 'Batch Croduction'.)

choose dynamic qr code

Optional: Customize Your QR Code

QRShow offers a variety of customization options including colors, templates, logos, etc. You can customize your QR code to make it more visually appealing or consistent with your brand.

customize your trackable qr code

Step 3: Generate Your Trackable QR Code

Finally, click the 'Generate' button to generate a trackable QR code. QRShow will automatically create a unique short URL that redirects to your content and enables tracking. After that, you can download the generated QR code in your preferred format and distribute it through your desired channels.

generate trackable qr code

Part 3. How to Track QR Code Scans

iMyFone QRShow can track a variety of scan data. When a user scans your dynamic QR code, it will automatically record the scan time, date, location, and so on. These data can be easily accessed through the QRShow dashboard. You will be able to view detailed reports and analysis on the performance of your QR code. Next we will show you how to track QR codes through QRShow.

Step 1: Follow the tutorial above to make a dynamic QR code.

Step 2: Visit the QRshow dashboard and click 'My QR Code' > 'Dynamic QR Code'. Then select the trackable QR code you created earlier.

choose the qr code

Step 3: Click the 'Analyze' icon (the fourth icon) to view the complete real-time scan data.

click statistics icon

Question: What QR Code Data Can You Track?
iMyFone QRShow offer detailed tracking statistics and real-time reporting. It can collect a variety of data types, including scan counts, geolocation, time and date, and more. Below is an overview of QRShow QR code tracking.

1. Scanning Number & Time (Total and Unique)

QRShow displays the number of times the QR code has been scanned, including one-time scans and repeated scans from the same device. You can also view a chart to show scanning trends.

number and time of scans

2. Scanning Devices

You can also track the device operating system that users use to scan the QR code and the percentage of completed scans. Knowing the device operating system that users use, Android or iPhone, will give you a rough idea of ​​which device operating system your customers have, and you can customize your products for them.

track scanning devices

3. Scanning Region

Tracking the scanning countries of QR codes can benefit for multinational companies when they expand their global market. This is based on each device's IP address. You can use geographic demographics to tailor your marketing campaigns to specific audiences.

region of scans

Tips: Download Reports

You are allowed to export all of your QR code tracking metrics as CVS files. In this way, you can share them easily.

download qr show scan statistics

Part 4. How to Track a QR Code in Google Analytics

For those who want more advanced tracking capabilities, integrating QR code tracking with Google Analytics can be a game changer. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful analytics tool that provides in-depth data on user behavior. By integrating QR code tracking with GA4, businesses can track user interactions beyond just the initial QR code scan.

For example, businesses can track what users do after scanning a QR code, such as which pages they visit, how long they stay on a page, and whether they complete a desired action (such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter). This can provide a more comprehensive view of user behavior and campaign performance.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you use Google Analytics QR code tracking.

Step 1: Create a trackable URL with UTM parameters. UTM parameters are tags that can be added to your URLs for tracking performance in Google Analytics. Use a tool such as Google Campaign URL Builder ( to generate your own link with UTM parameters.

Step 2: Use a reliable QR code such as QRShow to ceate a trackable QR code for your link. You can refer to the previous section for specific steps.

Step 3: Now you can log in to your Google Analytics account use the UTM parameters you set before to track data.

Part 5. How to Effectively Use Tracking QR Code Data

Effective use of QR code tracking data can help you improve your marketing strategy. Here are some useful tips.

1. Analyze Audiences

Analyzing the number of QR code scans, geographic location, operating system, etc. can customize marketing information and content to better meet the needs of the audience.

  • Number of scans: This can help you analyze the popularity of your QR code campaign.
  • Time and Date: This helps you identify peak times for user engagement and therefore when to launch your campaign.
  • Geo Data: Capture the geographic location of users who scanned the QR code so you can customize marketing for users in your area.
  • Device and OS Information: This can help you understand regional engagement.

2. Optimize Marketing Strategy

A/B testing: You can use different QR code designs, display locations, etc. to conduct A/B testing to find out which one is more beneficial to your marketing strategy.

Part 6. FAQs about QR Code Tracking

1. What is QR code tracking?

A QR code with tracking capabilities is a unique QR code that is recorded every time it is scanned. Generally, data related to QR code scans can be monitored and tracked in real time. This includes the number of scans, the user's geographic location, device type, etc.

2. How does QR Code tracking work?

When you create a QR code using the QR Code Generator tracking tool, the tool assigns a unique URL to the QR code. This URL is automatically embedded in the QR code, and when a user scans the QR code, they are first taken to the tracking URL. The QR Code Tracker then records the scan data (such as the time, date, and location of the scan). The entire process takes only a fraction of a second and is completely transparent to the user.

3. Why is QR code tracking important?

QR code tracking can provide valuable insights into user behavior. By analyzing scan data, businesses can learn more about customer preferences and habits. These insights can be used to customize marketing strategies and increase customer engagement.

4. How do you track QR codes?

You need to create a dynamic QR code using a QR code generator with tracking capabilities. You can then edit and track it even after printing. With iMyFone QRShow, you can monitor various metrics in its dashboard, including: number of scans, scan location, scan time, etc.


Mastering the art of QR code tracking can provide businesses with valuable insights and a competitive edge. By leveraging a QR code with tracking, businesses can measure the impact of their QR code campaigns, gain a deeper understanding of their customers, and make more informed marketing decisions. Whether you're a small business owner or a marketing professional, QR code tracking is a skill worth learning.

QRShow logo
Create dynamic QR codes and track the scan data.
Edward Sinclair
A senior QR code technology expert who is committed to providing readers with practical QR code skills and the latest industry trends.
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