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Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon is a beloved game in the Pokémon series, offering players a unique dungeon-crawling experience where they take on the roles of Pokémon to explore mysterious dungeons, rescue fellow Pokémon, and uncover secrets. One of the exciting features of this game is the use of QR codes, which can unlock special content, offer assistance, and enhance the overall gaming experience. In this article, we'll delve into the different uses ways QR codes for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon and how they connect to the broader world of QR code creation.

pokemon super mystery dungeon

In this article

Part 1. The Role of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon QR Codes

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon QR Codes serve various purposes, making the game more interactive and engaging. These codes can be found online, in promotional materials, or shared among players. Here are some of the key ways QR codes are used in the game:

1. Rescue Missions:

One of the primary uses of QR codes in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon is for rescue missions. When a player's team is defeated in a dungeon, they have the option to generate a QR code representing their location. Other players can scan this QR code to initiate a rescue mission, where they enter the dungeon and attempt to save the stranded team. This feature not only fosters community interaction but also provides a sense of camaraderie among players as they help each other out in tough situations.

2. Unlocking Special Dungeons:

Certain QR codes unlock special dungeons that may not be accessible through regular gameplay. These dungeons often contain rare Pokémon, valuable items, or challenging bosses, making them highly sought after by players. Scanning these QR codes can lead to exciting new adventures and rewards.

3. Obtaining Exclusive Pokémon:

Some QR codes allow players to recruit exclusive Pokémon that are otherwise difficult to find in the game. These Pokémon might have unique abilities or stats, making them valuable additions to a player's team. By scanning the QR code, players can easily add these special Pokémon to their roster.

qr codes for pokemon super mystery dungeon

Part 2. How to Obtain QR Codes Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

1. Check the Official Pokémon Website

Go to the official Pokémon website. Navigate to the "News" or "Events" section. Look for any announcements related to "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon." If QR codes are available, they will be listed within these news articles or event details. Download or scan the codes directly from the site.

2. Participate in Nintendo Events and Promotions

Visit the official Nintendo website or check their event calendar. Look for upcoming events or promotions related to "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon" or other Pokémon games. These could be in-store events, online tournaments, or special promotional campaigns.

Attend these events, either online or in person, to receive exclusive QR codes. Sometimes, codes are distributed through email newsletters, so ensure you are subscribed to Nintendo's mailing list.

3. Follow Pokémon Social Media Channels

Follow official Pokémon accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Use the search feature to find them (@Pokemon is a common handle). Turn on notifications for these accounts to receive alerts when they post new content. Monitor their posts for QR codes, especially during special events, holidays, or promotional campaigns. They may post codes as images that you can scan directly.

These platforms also have groups and hashtags (#PokemonQR, #MysteryDungeonQR) where players share QR codes. Following these hashtags or joining relevant groups can help you discover new codes.

4. Join Pokémon Fan Sites and Forums

Visit popular fan sites such as, Bulbapedia, or PokéCommunity.

Search for threads or articles related to "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon QR codes." These communities often share codes that they’ve discovered or created. Participate in discussions or request specific QR codes if you cannot find what you're looking for.

5. Search YouTube for QR Codes

Open YouTube and use the search bar to type in "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon QR codes." Look for recent videos by Pokémon content creators who are known for sharing codes. Channels with gameplay walkthroughs or event coverage are particularly useful. Watch the videos, and pause to scan QR codes directly from the screen using your game’s QR scanner feature.

6. Exchange QR Codes with Friends

If you have friends who play "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon," ask them if they have any QR codes to share. Share your QR codes with them in return. This can be done by sending images of the codes via messaging apps, email, or showing them in person.

7. Consult Game Guides and Books

Purchase or borrow official game guides or books related to "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon." Look through the guide for any sections that list QR codes. These are typically found in appendices or special sections dedicated to in-game secrets and extras.

    Game Guides and Books Related

  • 《Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon Official Strategy Guide》: This official strategy guide provides detailed walkthroughs, including the storyline, items, and information on all Pokémon, as well as maps for each dungeon. It also includes in-depth explanations of in-game mechanics, making it very helpful for players who want a comprehensive understanding of the game.
  • 《Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon - Prima's Official Game Guide》: Another official game guide published by Prima Games. It offers similar content, including mission walkthroughs, a Pokémon compendium, and dungeon guides. Additionally, this guide contains advice on effectively using the QR code system.
  • 《Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon Adventure Guide》: This book is more simplified, suitable for younger players or beginners. It covers the basic information about the game, including how to get started, basic gameplay guides, and some simple dungeon and mission tips.
  • 《Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon Art Book (Unofficial)》: Although this book is unofficial, it compiles the game's art designs, character models, and dungeon layouts, providing an in-depth understanding of the game's visual style. This book is highly collectible for fans who appreciate the game's artistic style.

Part 3. Obtain QR Codes for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon through Forums

1. Communities and Forums

Reddit: Start with [r/Pokemon] and [r/MysteryDungeon]. These communities are active, with many players sharing QR codes and tips.

2. How to Find QR Codes in Communities

Search Relevant Posts: Use the search function within these communities. Keywords like "QR codes rare items" or "Super Mystery Dungeon QR codes" will lead you to posts where players have shared valuable codes.

Check Pinned and FAQ Posts: Pinned posts or FAQ sections often contain verified QR codes shared by multiple users. These posts are usually maintained by moderators and community veterans to ensure accuracy.

3. Safety and Privacy Considerations

When sharing screenshots or codes, avoid exposing personal information or sensitive in-game data. Stick to sharing only the QR code. Ensure that you are using QR codes from trusted sources within the community. Avoid downloading files or clicking on suspicious links.

4. Example of Community Discussions

Recent Reddit Discussions: Players have recently shared QR codes for high-value items like Reviver Seeds and Power Drinks. These posts often include multiple codes and tips on the best ways to use these items in the game.

GameFAQs Popular Threads: Discussions on GameFAQs often revolve around maximizing team strength by using QR codes to access rare items like Max Elixirs and TMs.

Part 4. Connecting QR Codes for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon to the Real World

The integration of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon QR codes is not just limited to the game itself; it also opens up a gateway to the broader world of QR code creation and utilization. Let's explore how QR codes in the game can inspire you to create and use QR codes in your everyday life.

1. Creating Custom QR Codes:

Just as the game uses QR codes to share and unlock content, you can create custom QR codes for various purposes in real life. Whether it's sharing contact information, linking to a website, or providing access to a special offer, QR codes are a versatile tool. Platforms like iMyFone QRShow allow you to generate dynamic QR codes that can be updated with new content even after they have been shared. This is similar to how new rescue missions or special events can be accessed through QR codes in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.

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QR Codes Created

2. Sharing Experiences:

QR codes can also be used to share experiences with others, just like sharing rescue missions in the game. For example, you can create a QR code that links to a photo album from a recent trip or a QR code that leads to a video of a special moment. These codes can be scanned by friends and family, allowing them to relive the experience with you.

Make a QR Code for a Link

3. Promoting Events and Products:

If you're organizing an event or launching a product, QR codes are an excellent way to spread the word. Imagine hosting a Pokémon-themed party and using QR codes to distribute invitations, share the event schedule, or offer guests a chance to win prizes. The ease with which QR codes can be scanned makes them a convenient tool for engaging your audience.


Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon's use of QR codes exemplifies how simple technology can add layers of depth and interaction to a gaming experience. Whether you're saving a friend from a dungeon, unlocking rare Pokémon, or embarking on a new adventure, QR codes play a crucial role in the game's appeal. Moreover, the principles behind these codes extend beyond the game, offering endless possibilities for creativity and connection in the real world. By embracing QR codes, both in-game and out, you can unlock a world of opportunities, just as you do in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.

Edward Sinclair
A senior QR code technology expert who is committed to providing readers with practical QR code skills and the latest industry trends.
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