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It is the 21st century, and crossing names off an RSVP list is not the way to welcome guests again. Confirming invitations with QR code event check-in free is the new normal. This stress-free check-in method links a barcode with an RSVP list. Once scanned, you can confirm if the individual got an invitation and if their ID has not already checked in to the event. There are many other benefits of QR check-in that you will learn in this article.

Part 1: Benefits of QR Code Check-In

From small get-togethers in your living room to a medium size hall program, or an open field concert, there is an advantage to using QR code check-in. Follow closely as this section shows you these benefits.

For instant check-ins: The most prominent benefit of QR code check-in is that it provides instant check-ins. Your staff and volunteers can use less than 5 seconds to confirm the ticket of an event attendee. It reduces the time it takes to manually go through a list of names.

For contactless check-ins: Guests do not have to make any contact with check-in volunteers and security staff before being allowed to enter. With a simple phone scan of the event code, the attendee ID can be gotten, and attendance can be confirmed. Correspondingly, the staff can scan attendee tickets.

For attendee report: You can use the QR code check-in to confirm participants that have already checked in. That way, confusion resulting from tickets being used more than once because of similar names or initials can be eradicated.

For mobile payment: For events that allow on-site payment, QR code check-in is a smooth means of taking payment. With a single scan, the process of making transfers and printing tickets can easily be removed. Also, transfer errors like overpaying because of rush will be well prevented.

Part 2: Information in QR Code Check-In

Depending on the use of the QR code check-in URL some piece of information has to be provided when generating the barcode. The QR code could be for the volunteers attending to guests or the event attendees. The barcode to be scanned will determine the content of the QR code. Hence, this section discusses these details.

Ticket type: Attendees can have printable QR codes with multiple ticket types. For such an event, the generated QR code must contain the type of ticket issued to the attendee. Hence, when scanned by the staff they can easily determine the ticket category.

Ticket ID(s): In many instances, tickets are unique to help staff assign to their unique seats. QR check-in for these kinds of events should contain the unique ID of the attendee. Alternatively, personal details about the attendee, such as name, email, social media handle, etc., will be included on the barcode URL.

Ticket date and session: This QR check-in detail is vital for conferences or concerts that will last more than a day or session. That way, the QR code is a means for ticking the sessions or days that the participant attends.

Payment confirmation: For paid events, details confirming ticket payment for the event must be included. Contrarywise, the volunteer's QR code check-in can be scanned by the attendee if they want to make payment on arrival.

Part 3: How to Create QR Code Check-In to Enhance Event Experiences

Preparing for any 21st-century event without a well-thought QR code check-in could be ineffective. Hence, you should be aware of the processes involved in creating a QR code check-in for your event. Furthermore, the barcode you are creating needs a creative edge to ensure an enhanced experience.

After generating the code using a QR code generator like iMyfone QRShow, customize the barcode with the event logo, color, and frame, and download it. Set up an event registration link using your preferred website and insert the QR code. The QR code will be included in the attendees’ registration confirmation email. Hence, volunteers can scan attendees’ QR codes using their smartphones. If payment can be made on-site, a QR code will be generated and printed on staff or volunteer ID tags. Then, attendees can scan QR codes on volunteer ID tags using their smartphones.

iMyfone QRShow

Part 4: Who Can Use and Where to Use QR Code Check-In?

Check-in QR code is fast becoming popular because of its wide use range. Some people, industries, and places that use it are discussed here.

  • For promotion: Advertising firms and PR teams can use check-in QR codes to promote your event.
  • For engagement: QR code event check-in can be used to direct participants to a social media community and keep them engaged. Even after the event, you can keep track of who came for the event.
  • For ticket sales: Event organizers and managers in the entertainment industry can use QR code check-in to sell tickets and keep track of the payment process.


More often than not, events do not go as planned. One of the reasons is that volunteers have a long queue of attendees to confirm. Extra hands may not even resolve this issue because of its complexity. However, QR check-in helps to reduce time spent on confirming guests and tracking ticket usage. In this article, you will find out more about QR check-in.

Edward Sinclair
An experienced blogger and editor who has spent years writing about QR things.
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